Friday, October 21, 2011


Sometimes the most obvious ugly sites can be right in front of your face. Sure, ugly is in the eye of the beholder, but how many of you you would agree that Wikipedia is an ugly site? It's functional yes... yet there isn't much to look at.

First off, if you don't frequent any of the website pages that boast the signature white page design with simple black lettering you might have not realized just how plan the layout is. On the other hand, the simplicity is something that may actually appeal to you if you are new to the site.

When you are searching for information and want to get extra details do you appreciate a well designed site that offers both pleasant colors, images, function and information? The idea is to find balance especially if you are one to comment on designs and their appeal.

Now here comes the big question... is it simple or is it too simple? Sounds like a "simple" question, but it really is not. What you expect from a site truly persuades how you view the content and design. If you are looking for a quick answer to your questions without the thrill or fluff of color and well-planned layout, you might have found your favorite site on the planet.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Last, But Not Least

Well, we are now at our last "P" word that will end my mini-series on the letter of the alphabet. Thanks for still following and being patient with my random letter selections. You must have a lot of patient and pages. :)

The final word that we will address is this "p" series is the word photography. Some have an eye for detail when it comes to photography, but almost anyone can spot a bad photo when they see it. The photography helps to tell the story of your website and is just as important as the content. When you are ready to build your site, be prepared to put some focus (and some money) into the photography.

Low resolution images, poorly shot pictures, and bad usage of photos can turn any page into an ugly horrible website. In many cases, a professional photography that specializes in your industry will help you capture some images that can be used in everything from your website to your social media outlets.

Minding your P's can help you hire a better team to create your website and have an impact on your final result. Remember, an ugly website can drive away traffic and leave a poor image of your brand in consumer's eyes. Spend time on the photography and help the integrity of your site!

And, the Second

Pages. Yes, it is that simple. Horrible website design is amplified when the content and images on multiple pages just doesn't make any sense. When you are designing or a client reviewing your new website it's smart to take a step back and see if the flow of the pages communicates your brand's essence.

Pages are important since they help to create the layout and overall vision of your site. If one page is missing or not linked to the other appropriate pages your viewers may not understand what they are reading and why they are reading it. It really is that simple. Starting with a solid plan will help you build a better site.

A page with ugly website design is bad, but 10 pages with ugly website design is just horrible. Before you begin the design faze a solid structure should be determine that includes the flow of your pages. Trust me, this will help you reach a final product that is well, not ugly.

Well, now its time to get ready for the third and final blog on ugly web design and the letter "p". Don't go crazy! It will be over to you in a just a few short minutes!

The Alphabet is Back!

Did you miss it? Oh, you know you did. So, as I continue would you like to guess as to what the next letter will be. Actually, prepare yourself for this. You are about to enter the first of a three-part breakdown on the letter "P".

With so much to say about this amazing letter, you will have to follow us through a few full blogs. It just so happens that the definition of the first word we are reviewing can help you through this process. Have any ideas yet? Well, we are talking about patience. Ahhh... it all makes sense now!

Patience is a trait that can help in a variety of situations from work to home life. In terms of website design, you often have to tap into your patience when it comes to revisions and small issues that arise. Almost every website will face some type of issues that requires you to take a step back. Whether it is content, design, or some thing else you can be prepared.

Patience helps when you are the customer and also when you are the designer. Understanding that this is a process may take some time will help you along the way.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

One, Two, Three, Four...

...what do you hate more? And, please don't say my rhyming! It's simple and to the point. :)

Well, I bring this "simple" point up because I want to hear what you think. Yep, I thought it might be best to take a quick break from my small obsession with the alphabet and put the focus back on you. When you stumbled across a website with bad design, what is the on thing that bothers you the most?

Is it the colors? The poor layout? The hard to follow copy? As we continue to explore these ugly websites I want to help you understand why you might be bothered when you land on something that looks out of whack.

Personally, I find poor color chooses one of the hardest things to deal with. Do you remember this one? My eyes hurt and I honestly had no idea what I was looking at. Crazing how flashing colors and random lights can interfere with your brain's ability to process things. Well, have a good afternoon all and don't forget to share what bothers you the most. About website design, that is. Lets stay on topic people. LOL!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The "M" Word

Oh, this is a word we all discuss almost every day. In many cases, without even noticing that is it brought up with chat about the lack of it, an abundance of it, or how we plan to get more. Do you have an idea of where I am going with this? It may not be an "industry term" associated with the world of design, but it impacts the very core of the business every single day.

Alright, only a few more seconds before I tell you... the word I am discussing in this blog is money. That's right, I said it! Money is not printed on a web page or discussed by a consumer when they see your landing page, yet it can dictate the level of work you get and the final result. Are those colors competing with each other and the placement of your text and images seem a little odd? Is the architecture and flow of your website a little off? Sure there may be a variety of other reasons, but in many cases it can also come down to the amount of money you spent.

If you need a few improvements, create a budget and move from there. You should be happy with the results.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The "C" Word

So, you thought I may have forgot about this whole the "letter" word, but NO I did not! I would like to move forward (after I moved back and then forward again) and focus on the "C" word. Any guesses? And, before you say it, no it's not computer.

Since it has been a few days since my last post, so let me recap what we have covered in this letter series so far. Function if key to a website. Once a company understand what function it hopes to accomplish the site can be born. Of course, we also have to take a second to mention design. Without design we wouldn't know what we were looking at. And finally, we talked about balance. A balance in contest and design or a balance in color... regardless of how you look at it you need balance.

And now we are off to the "C" word... what for it... creativity! The more creative energy you can infuse into your website the more likely the end user will enjoy visiting you. Looking for repeat visitors? Well come up with a creative way to keep them coming back. It's all about the interaction, not just the content. Till the next letter!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Skipping to the "B" Word

Well, I figured I could continue with this rant and jump backwards to the "B" word. I am sure you must be wondering what world I could be ready to discuss, but it is a truly relevant word when it comes to bad or good website design.

Ugly website design is missing this key word and good website design has learned how to use this word to perfection. The word I am talking about is balance. Balance is vital to the success (visually and beyond) to a good website design. The website will need to be function and focus on modern and fresh designs, but the balance is what holds the site together.

Balance can refer to both the layout, the color scheme, and the content. All three of these components must work together to build and aesthetically pleasing creation. If one of these are off-balance it could effect the others and essentially the entire site. Planning for all of these elements is normally best completed by a qualified professional. That leads to the question... if a site is ugly is that an indication it was not designed by a professional?

One can only imagine what letter I will choose to focus on next, but I can guarantee you that it will not start with a "z."

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"The D Word"

Alright, are you starting to see a pattern here? Actually, guess I should have started at A, but no... I go ahead and start with F and move from there. Chalk it up to bad planning. Now, that I mention bad planning that is really the first and most foremost reason ugly websites are designed. Design is what the end user see first, but it should actually be one of the last steps when it comes to website planning. If you haven't caught on yet, the "D" stands for design.

Before you begin to design a page you have to create a plan. The most effective plans are a made by planning for both design and content. Once you determine the function, you must plan what content should be added, and then create the design based off that. Get it?!

Sound complicated? It really doesn't have to be. If you follow a step by step process you can easily plan for your website and give the designer a good idea of how to communicate your company's information. Well, I guess you might expect I will move onto a "C" word or even a "B" word next. Stay tuned!

Monday, August 29, 2011

The "F" Word

Well, I would like to discuss the "F" word, but it may not be the same word that is coming to mind. The word I would like to discuss today is function. Regardless of the type of design you currently have on your site (or the type of design you wish to have on your site) you have to ask yourself one thing... what is its function?

Function is the number one purpose of any site. Are you there to sell, share information, provide a service? Your key function should help to support what ever sales and marketing efforts you want to accomplish. As a business, it may come down to the function of each page on your website. Each individual page can offer a new service or function that all combined together provides a great environment for the consumer.

Function can dictate your design and how it is perceived by the consumer. Along with the many do's and don'ts we have covered in this blog, there are countless other tools and tricks of the trade that can be explored. A designer (regardless of his or her level of experience) should understand and execute basic design needs based on your company's function.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The K.I.S.S. Philosphy

Signs of a bad site... Now many times in your life have you heard people refer to the "KISS" philosophy. To be honest, I have heard it more times than I care to admit. KISS is an acronym for the once very popular saying "keep it simple stupid" and yes, I understand how weird that statement is.

Back in the "olden days" this expression emerged and although society has gravitated towards "OMG" and "LOL" you will still hear the term KISS from time to time. Why do I bring it up you ask? Good question... KISS is outdated, but is still relevant for some designers that choose to take their site over the top. Excess links, images, colors schemes, and poor layout options can transform a good site to a bad site in a matter of minutes.

Feel free to use other acronyms to explain bad design, but for now I am going to stick to one that has stood the test of time. KISS and build those websites with purpose and thought. The simple route is often the best route to take. That is, if you want to take advice from someone that still uses outdated acronyms. Just saying! :)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Well, Interesting Idea

I have to say I was a little shocked when I first was told about this site. Is this for real? Do people really pay money for this? Well, it looks real so I guess now it is time to discuss the poor website design.

How much time and effort do you think was associated with the design of this site? At first glance the images are really small and hard to view. You get a brief idea of what they are trying to communicate, but there is definitely room for improvement. There are a ton of links, a ton of information, a ton to look at when you land on this page.

The strange banner on the top of the page really stuck out. The colors did not seem to blend together and appear eye friendly. Overall, there are many aspects of this site that are odd regardless how fun the blow up pub many look.

Have a good night ugly design website seekers. Bad design may be addicting, but if you can mange to keep it off your website you are well ahead of the game. We hope you have a good weekend!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

One, Two, Three, Four...

What do we need ugly sites for? Well, we need something to laugh at right?! Some of us watch comedies, other read jokes and we review ugly websites. Don't lie, you know you love it.

After my brief rant about QR codes I decided to delve into the marketing side and figure how they effect brands. Even brand with ugly websites. I have to say that my favorite use by far is on a business card. A quick scan of a business card can load the individuals information straight to your phone. Probably more advanced for those that are still dealing with bad website design.

Here's a question.... did you know that you can even scan a QR code on a computer screen. So you could have the ugliest website in the world with a QR code and someone might still visit you to try the scan. Just something to think about. You have to start making improvements somewhere, right?!

It's time to search for some new ugly sites. If you find one you want to share you know how to reach me. Have a good night all and take time to study proper web design.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Did You Want Me To Talk More About QR Codes?

In retrospect, I think I spent enough time on our friend the QR code. If you don't get my point my now, I am not sure if you ever will! :) Seriously, though don't get all modern with codes if your website is not up to today's standards. You have to start with the end result and then move forward.

So, what about those QR codes? Just kidding! Just kidding! I will drop it, at least for now! Let's move back to our main goal of this blog which is to discuss the ugly, the horrible designs found on countless websites today. In all the blogs and all the months we have covered horrible design do you have a favorite topic?

Animated gifs seemed to be a hot topic at the time, but what would you all like to review next? Should we venture back to bad color combinations? Neon? Too much copy? Insane backgrounds? Obscure patterns all over the place? I guess the options are endless. At least I know to take a break from Qr Codes for awhile.

Well, till next time! Have a great weekend everyone and stay away for ugly designs!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

More on QR Codes

So, did you know that QR codes are now being used as Facebook profile pictures? I am serious! I just scanned one and was brought to a page featured the brand's latest sweepstakes. For those of you that are new to QR codes take time to download the app and get started.

Before you know it they will be on everything from menu to maps. Some believe that QR are not going mainstream, but that is a tough argument to make. Have you seen a major of the marketing efforts put forth by brands lately? QR codes are everywhere from websites to fliers to well, Facebook profile pictures.

Again, I urge you to have a well built site before you implement any type of QR codes. Stop and really thing about it. QR codes may be cool and the latest social media tool, but how will they help you if you are sending consumers back to an ugly website? I am guessing it won't help at all.

Spend time on your websites before you spend time on QR codes! I am guessing it may not be long before we review ugly website we found view QR codes.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

QR Codes

Alright, back to QR codes. First of all I think they are genius. Download an app, scan the code, and be transported to cyberspace. Originally many brands were simply using QR codes to drive you to their websites, but today those handy codes can take you to great deals, coupons, or interactive pages within a site. Comic Con is filled with QR codes. They are on posters, books, wristbands, temporary tattoos, and just about everywhere you can imagine.

QR codes are a great invention, but they are only as great as the site they take you to. Poor website design and other website flaws can ruin any and all benefits of the code. You may be able to get a consumer to scan it, but if the site you are promoting is horrible, why bother? Over the year we have covered a wide range of "bad elements" in the world of website design. Take note!

Before you jump to add QR codes to your promotional products you have to ask yourself if your website is the best it can be. And, answer that truthfully! Why promote a site that give your visitors a bad impression of you and your brand?

Brand Me

Well, after several days of Comic Con adventures I can say that the QR code is king. I applaud all those marketing geniuses out there for everything we see and interact with during the Con. You can't turn a corner without being bombarded by branding of some kind. On a personal note, I thought the branding throughout the entire city was just amazing. Bars and restaurants were bought out and transformed into events and destinations for those that walked by. How does this relate to websites you ask? Well, almost every brand, location, service, and product today is supported by a website.

These websites offer consumers additional information and a place to interact with all the brand or products stands for. Need an example? Well, a few days ago I asked for your feedback on the Comic Con site. Friend or foe? Did the site help you map out where you wanted to go or provide you with the best information to make your Con trip a success? See, the website is like an extension of the brand and it must be complete and user friendly.

I got side tracked a bit because I wanted to share some thoughts on QR codes. Maybe I will wait for my next post.

Friday, July 22, 2011

What Came First... The Comic Con or the Website?

Well, if you look back at history of the Comic Con you can easily answer that question. Now around for about 41 years, we know the Comic Con came first and started back when San Diego was the just beginning to be a hot spot. Originally organized in the banquet hall of a local SD hotel, Comic Con now takes over the entire convention center along with the majority of the Gas Lamp District.

So, with all that being said how do you feel about the official Comic Con website? Love it or hate it? I guess it is a site that the you could be on the fence about. Die hard comic fans may really not care how information is presented to them as long as they can figure out where the vendors, panels, and most important the ticket booth.

You may be wondering why the sudden focus on Comic Con. Go ahead and wonder! :) The truth of the matter is that I am here witnessing some of the magic/dressed up fans/lines and want to share some of the information with you. Now that we have entered the world of QR codes I will give you an update as to what I am seeing and of course, what websites they are promoting.

Have a great day! And, no I am not dressing up as Spiderman.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Alright, Give Me the Number

No, not your cell phone number. Or the number of cups of coffee you had today. I want the number of ugly sites you see on a regular basis. We all have a number and I know mine is high up there. Then again, I tend to search for these things so how do I rationalize that? This is how... you tell me how many sites you encounter by just simply searching the web and going about your day. Are the sites you visit the most bothering you? Did you stumble upon some horrible design as you shopped for a new plasma TV, car, or washing machine? I need to know!

When you spend most of your time looking for ugly sites they tend just to get worse by the moment. Some of the simple poor design features such as animated GIFs almost seem OK when you compare it to paralyzing flashing colors and poor quality images.

In any case, I am ready to jump into July and find new and horribly designed sites to review. Can I help it that ugly websites are just drawn to me? I think not.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

They Are Cute!

Before I begin my second part of the design review I do have the say the dogs are cute! Not exactly the type of dogs you see everyday, but I can see how some people might become passionate as these types of dogs. I guess some people like boxers and some people like these. Personally, I think these dogs are cuter when they are puppies. :)

In some design cases, less is more, but I am not sure this applies to this page. The clean white background creates a stark and almost boring background to the many, many images and not so exciting brown text. Again, I can't image that this designer put a great deal of time or energy into these pages. All that is present are links, texts, and images. These three combine in an almost awkward way that forces you to continue to scroll down and down to see the same design mistakes over and over again.

Here is a question... if you were online researching and shopping for any type of dog what would you hope to see? Are the many pictures and lack of information working for you or are you looking for something more?

Here Doggie, Doggie!

Alright, here we go... so I will be the first to tell you that I didn't stumble on this one on my own. A good friend was actually kind enough (or not so kind enough) to send this along. How he stumbled upon this I have no idea, but I don't think he was trying to buy Komar Afghan Hound.

In any case we sit here finding our selves looking at this. Yep, I wasn't sure what to call it except this. Lets spend some time exploring the obvious here. This website didn't exactly take a long time to build. I image, a couple of links, and of course the every favorite "visitor counter" is on the bottom. As a designer I wonder how long this could take?

The dogs seem amazing, but to me the blue color is an odd choice. The gradient always gets to me too. At what point does any website owner stop and say hey, I really need to update these pages. How much should I invest and will be it worth my initial investment. Of course there are many variable to that questions, but at some point it has be asked.

And the Embarrassment Sets In

Well, apparently Blogger outsmarted me this month and I will be the first to hang my head in embarrassment. I was under the impression that I shared a few posts with you last week that I just recently realized were sitting comfortably in the "draft" state instead of published. Go ahead and feel free to make fun of me. I am already blushing in embarrassment and feel no better than an inexperienced designer adding animated gifs to a nean background page.

As my embarrassment subsides I hope you catch up with me where I thought we had left off. I found this very interesting site and did a two part review of it for your (and of course my) entertainment. Your posts have been really helpful and insightful so I look forward to hearing what you have to say this week. Seriously, thanks! So many friends have shared new UGLY sites and I really appreciate it.

Just please keep the Blogger tips to yourselves! Yes, I know how to hit "publish post" or at least I thought I knew how too. And, here we go. Signs of a Bad Site Continues with some published posts. ;)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bad Design vs. Bad Wine

Bad design is like a bad wine. They both can make your cringe. Let's be honest... I am not the first to review ugly sites and I will be far from the last. Like the plague they continue to spread like wild fire across the web and there is really no indication that it will ever stop. Sure, we can hope, but the likely hood of every site being is wonderful is far from a reality.

So, a simple "search" online could populate many options that feature ugly design. Some completed by actual designers to try to prove a point and other published by bored individuals across the world trying to grab people's attention. Are they selling something, saying something, or just added little bits of their daily lives to the web? Who knows and at some point you wonder who cares.

If a site is that hard to shop from can't you simply visit another site that offers clean design and an easy to purchase atmosphere? Sure you can, but them it takes away from some of the fun of exploring this ugly specimens. Well, I guess I just answered one of my questions. I am one of the people that looks at these sites and cares to some extent. Guess I should go find one!

Fast & Cheap or Good & Pricey

Our constant reviews of ugly websites have added to the great debate surrounding poor design and the questions still remain. Is ugly design a result of fast and cheap labor? Better yet, can you only obtain a well-done and intelligent sign at a high cost?

If you are a company struggling to find your niche on the web what amount of money should you be willing to shell out? While I refuse to give you one price to compare among all designers you should know that in many cases quick, cheap work does come with many ugly design techniques. It is an inevitable part of the process. When you review potential designers take into consideration their experience, their prior work, and their cost. Just like with everything else in the world all designers are not created equal. There will always be the good, the bad, and everything in between.

Escaping ugly website design is a good thing and your business (and consumers) just might thank you for it.

Two Word Combinations

We tend to use many two word combinations in our daily life. Grande latte, tuna sandwich, smart phone... but there are a few words that should stop being combined immediately. These two words are animated gifs. Of course, there many be other noteworthy combinations, but for today we will focus on these gifs that continue to plague the internet and irritate our eyes.

Animated gifs went out of style along with the fanny pack, yet we still keep seeing a reappearance of both. Stop for a moment and think how many times you have seen an animated gif during the hours you spend on the web? Then, stop and think how many of those sites feature other elements of horrible design. One could easily conclude that animated gifs and other horrible design features go hand-in-hand.

And, yes we can expect to see animated gifs lingering out there for years. The moving arrows, borders, rotating discs, and Santa's popping out of chimneys are just a few of the eye soars we are subjected to daily. Before you realize it, you might begin to notice more than ever before. So, next time you see an animated gif brace yourself for the other ugly design features soon to follow.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Do We Ever Learn?

Sure, this may sound like a question your Mom would ask after you screwed something up, but th question is valid. When we watch designers make grave mistakes do we ever learn from their mistakes or do we try to mimic some of their less than successful pieces of work?

There is a fine line between good and great design. Yet, there is also a fine line between good and bad design. In most cases, the adjective is dependent on the individual describing what they see. Some consumers react to ugly websites and find spending time on them more interesting than their "prettier" counterparts. Then again, an ugly site that is not user-friendly may deter sales or even lead people running as far away as possible.

So, do we ever learn? If we see a somewhat successful site that is absolutely horrible do we ask ourselves why this site is successful or do we run and change the graphics on every site we work with? No matter how old you are, it can be hard to stray from popular opinion. Before you jump on the ugly design bandwagon you should ask yourself a few important questions. The most crucial would be... what is the purpose of your site?

It's All About the First Impression

Sure, we just challenged you to rethink most of the websites you visit daily, but did you actually do it? Subconsciously most of us judge a site within the first few seconds. Our first impressions generally help us make an overall opinion about many things in life including websites.

Once you realize that your first impression will have a barring on your opinion of a website you can then realize the importance of the landing page. The landing page tells us all we need to know about a website. Regardless of the design or content a landing page will dictate how we think about the site and everything it has to offer.

So, when you visit your favorite new sites or bank site what do you think of the landing page? Is the design horrible, can they offer a more user friendly site or are you bored the minute the page loads. Many aspects influence website design and the functions the site has to offer. While you make fun of some of the more ugly sites can you give honest feedback that would help improve the other sites you visit daily? Just a simple question for your Memorial Day weekend! :)

Design Divided

How much time do you spend online? The reality is that most of us spend at least half or two-thirds of our days in front of our computers or some other form of technology. Today our phones are just as easy to use and capable of getting us to all the sites we want to visit.

With all the time we spend online I think it is smart to ask ourselves what percentage of websites we find user friendly. Sure, we can make fun of some of the ugliest sites that we come across online, but how frequently do we spend minutes or even hours on some of our favorite sites and leave thinking… wow, that is not user friendly at all.

How we review design (regardless of the funny terms we put on it) really comes in two parts. You can talk about design in aesthetically appealing terms and you can also talk about design in terms of user-friendly capabilities including navigation, complete links, and thorough information.

So, as you spend most of your waking hours online watch out for more than annoying color schemes, odd Jiffs, and weird flashing text.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Click, click, click

There are things that you wish you don't come across online. Sure, it has happened to all of us. One click here, another click here, and before you know it there you are... stuck in a site that offers nothing but bad design. It's just you, some ugly colors, hard to read text, and over used flash.

Sure, you want them to have something to say or tell you why their design is so horrible, yet in many cases it is left up to the imagination. Take one, two, three, or even ALL of our past examples. We try over and over to figure out why, but sometimes there is not always an answer to every question.

If you are like me you can sometimes feel drawn to these poorly designed sites just to laugh and wonder what the owner are thinking. That is one side of the spectrum. The other side is that the common visitor does not even think a poorly designed site is ugly at all. And, somewhere in between are still other visitors that wonder why the site is ugly, but feel comfortable spending time there anyways. I guess sometimes you start and stop at the question.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Big What?

And, just went you thought you were done with this, you find a link that leads you to this. First and foremost the all black background is a little strange. The yellow box draws your attention to some information below, but what the information is I am not sure.

My computer told me I needed a Java plug-in to run this site, yet I really don’t want to take the time or energy to update my software at this point. I am assuming that updated software is not going to make this page look better than it looks right now.

If you want, there are apparently a variety of links that lead to reports, but then again I am still too lazy to click those too. I have a feeling you might be too. It is really hard to figure out what the music selection is here and if I want to listen to it. Today, we are so used to professional graphics that we see something like this it makes it almost impossible to take the site seriously. Do you agree?

What are you getting from this site and do you think it is worth your time?

I Heart Friends

It’s good to have friends. They support you during important life decisions, they pick you up when you land at the airport, and they send you links to some of the ugliest sites known to man. Yep, friends are the best. The greatest ones are friends that send you multiple links. :) All I can say is I am not sure how my friend stumbled upon this gem, but I am thankful he did. May I formally welcome you to this.

Yes, I called it “this” because to be completely honest I am not 100% what it is. Sure, someone is very proud of this page and minimal bizarre content, but can you really tell me why this page exists. Stop and think about that for a while. Your brain might explode.

Apparently, the page is under construction and there is more for us to expect. Can I suggest that we come back to this page frequently and look for more things gone wrong? Then again, one look and you may never want to come back. More ugliness to come so stay tuned. I might even have to come up with my own home page one of these days.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

He Loves Ugly Sites?!

The minute I hit post on my last blog I received a call from a friend telling me he loves ugly sites. Nuts, right?! He finds ugly design more interesting than all of the other sites he visits on a regular basis. Sure, his bank and email offer normal sites, but visiting random sites actually entertains him and makes him laugh. By random I mean sites that were purposely designed with odd colors, random layouts, and insane flash techniques.

Yes folks, I have actually had contact with an individual that prefers to visit the sites with poor design versus the well-planned out pages. One can only assume that entertainment is a HUGE factor when visiting anything that is less that eye-appealing. Why else would you bother?

Alright, let's take a second to focus back on the fact that this is the weekend and it is time to relax. Do you find yourself spending more time online during the weekend versus the work week? Or, does your schedule differ from the standard 9-5 Monday thru Friday job and the weekend is your only time to explore content online? In either case, I look forward to hearing from you.

You and Only You

And, it's all about you. Thankfully, I have a lot of friends that like to share ugly sites they have come across. Although I like to thank these friends from the very beginning I think some of them simply Google "bad design" and send me everything they come across.

Bad design is bad sign, but in some cases these designs are uploaded on purpose. What do I mean by that? Well, bad design can be uploaded by well-practiced designer to show how they can fix ugly websites. In short, some designers choose to upload the most ugly design practices in order to show how they can fix these issues. These designers want you to hire them. Sure, this may seem odd to the casual searcher, but many ugly sites are actually designed by some of the most experienced designers. Weird, right?!?

When you come across an ugly site take the time to explore why this site was posted. I LOVE hearing about and exploring your suggestions, but lets only try to determine why legitimate sites opt for ugly design. Understanding how horrible design can impact your brand will help you determine what website options you should explore. Finding a niche for your brand will help in your overall profitability.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Make That Money Man!

These days, why are there so many websites? The answer can be rather simple. People create sites to make money. Advertising can be a very lucrative business for some site owners and those owners are well aware of the amount of money they can generate. So, next time you visit an ugly site ask yourself why that site is so ugly. Was it poor design or very effective marketing?

I think understanding marketing can help a bit. You can't succeed without an angle and some choose to have a very ugly and horrific looking angle. These days people will discuss poor design just as much as they discuss good design. Honestly, you can't set the bar for good design without taking poor design into account. The bad makes the good look even better and the good helps enforce why the bad is just that ugly.

At the end of the day we all need to make money if you are doing so on a poorly designed site... well, good for you. You probably save tons in website start up costs. Well done. On the other hand, if your site is that unfriendly how many people do you think will spend time there?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Do!

Receiving an invite for a wedding prompted me to return to this site and relive the experience all over again. It makes you glad that you are not a bridesmaid or a friend of a bride that would actually submit you to this torture. To be honest, I have always wondered what it would feel like to be trapped in a dress with enormous shoulder "poofs" and a long neon train. Alright, maybe not that curious.

It is hard for me to determine what is worse. The design or these dresses. I think that might be a conversation that could go round and round for decades. In any case, revisiting this site was just as much fun and just as interesting at it was the first time.

If you are a bride would you visit this shop or frequent these online images? Again, it all comes down to taste and if this is working for this bridal boutique, I think we should not question why or how. That again could cause a intense discussion that might not have a definitive answer.

Have a good day all and continue to look for those ugly sites in and outside of your search for the perfect wedding day attire.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Your Email Address

It goes without saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What is ugly to some is beautiful to others and for those of us that spend time online we realize our vision of beauty can differ from site to site. Ugly sites are always debatable.

Some of the most popular sites that we frequent often are the most ugliest to others. Your bank website, favorite shopping forum, or even your favorite place to get information may be the ugliest site on the web to others. In any case, when we visit our favorite sites we are likely to give our email address over to the company for future updates or information. Stop and think how many times you type in your email address to buy a product, receive email blasts, or log into a site to check your email.

Today, more than ever, many individuals are getting emails from their banks, grocery stores, and other trusted businesses informing them that their information has been comprised. Ugly sites and beautiful sites are both prone to attract hackers on a mission to obtain, exploit, and sell your information. Everything from email addresses to your social security number can be stolen from professional hackers. Regardless of what sites you choose to make fun of, do your best to safeguard your information.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Contest?

On my search for the most ugly and mind-blowing website I have come across a variety of contests that promote this type thing. Yep, I said contest. So, while I am not promoting or condoning any of this behavior I just wanted you to know that those type of things are out there. I mean if that is your thing.

Some create ugly websites not knowing there are ugly and others create them knowing that attention will be driven to their sites because of it. Regardless of what type of design you opt to try you have to make sure your company and your website is protected. Malware, spyware, and viruses are not fun. If they are happening on your work computer or system they can cause even greater damage.

Business information and customer information must be safeguarded. Please, please, please, make sure your consumer and corporate information is protected regardless of what design choices you make on your site. This is not to say that a ugly website won't draw my attention! These comments are just to say that regardless of your website or business it is your job to protect your information and your consumers.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Reality Is...

...that we find them, we make fun of them, yet they still continue to exist. The age old argument can easily come into play when talking about poor design choices and awful websites. Are they awful for a reason?

Ugly can help drive more traffic than "pretty" in some cases. If you are gaining attention for your ugly website than your business might be gaining attention that otherwise you might not get. In the vast abyss of online life it is nearly impossible for users to visit every site on the planet. A business must differentiate itself and an ugly site can help to do that.

So, what came first? The chicken or the egg? The ugly site or the qualified designers that understood the site was horrible? This conversation could go on and on, but in the end we understand our purpose here. Find the bad site, share them with you, and maybe have a laugh or two along the way. And, maybe, just maybe help a company gain some online traffic.

Have a good weekend everyone! Try not to over think the whole chicken or the egg thing. :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Yep, That Happened

Oh, I wish I could take credit for finding this one, but it was actually suggested by a friend. Yep, other people find ugly sites too. :) This is nuts!

This is one of those sites that you can only look at for a few minutes at a time before your eyes begin to strain and burn. Go ahead and try! I can look for about 2 minutes and then my head starts to throb. I have to say, I do like the flags waving in the air. How can you go wrong with animated flags?

They have a wide selection of fabrics and also a wide selection of very tiny photos they would like to share with you. Are we looking at the owners, employees, and stock room? Do you really even care to try to answer that question?

Like I said before, it is too intense to stare at for extended periods of time so I can't honestly discuss the content. I however can question the abrupt changes from red to yellow to hot pink and more. Did anyone even continue to scroll down? Go, ahead and treat yourself. The colors continue to change and the pictures continue too.

Monday, March 28, 2011

What's Worse?

Did anyone create that app yet? Sorry, I couldn't resist. Have you noticed how many apps there actually are to purchase or try out these days? It is almost impossible to choose one without wanting at least 10 more. Gotta stay up with the trends, right?

Speaking of staying up with the trends... is it wrong to miss leg warmers. Sure, outdated fashion can be bad, but is it as bad as this. Surely not. Sorry, I can't help to continue to refer to this site. It makes me laugh and cry from seeing yellow spots at the same time.

Hmmm, what other out of place fashion can we relate to horrible websites. Is it worse to see shoulder pads built into a shirt or this? Would you rather see someone still rocking neon (mesh optional) or would you rather see this? Difficult to answer. We don't blame you.

I guess just like fashion, the worst of the worst is hard to ignore. Then again, why would you? It's hard not to look at an outfit gone wrong and it's even harder to ignore a website that is just plain ugly. Multiple colors and horrific background included.

Is There An App for That?

Here is a thought. What if there was an app that you could click that could transform a site from really horrible to really great? Well, I understand that may be too much to ask, but what about sites that cater to the many devices we visit them from? Mobile versions, iPad versions... shouldn't all the pages fit the screen?! It can't be that hard because I visit sites that are already up to speed.

Sure, sure you get used to seeing a mobile website versions when you visit your bank online, but are there any other sites that cater to your on-the-go lifestyle? Personally, minimizing pages, maximizing text, and trying to figure out how to center that one part of the page you need to see on that tiny mobile screen can make anyone crazy. Even more crazy that finding this.

What are your thoughts friends? Do your favorite sites need to get with the "mobile" layout so you can have a more relaxed search from your phone.? After all, where exactly are you reading this blog from? For now, at least I know I can check my bank account from my mobile phone and actually find the numbers and information I need on my screen.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Have You Been Patient?

Well, instead of giving you a link I would like to give you a question. Are you ready for this? Sure, you have been patient, but now I am asking you a question instead of giving you something horribly ugly to look at. Just bear with me!

The question... How do you rate sites that give you downloadable coupons? We have to tell you that we have recently been on a few and found them less than helpful.

Why you ask? Well, some of the less than helpful sites provide links to content that made absolutely no sense, linked to non-existent coupons, and just provided feedback on products with no coupons to be found. The question I guess is two-fold. Do you use coupon sites and do you find them easy to navigate through?

I guess in short, what I am trying to say is that sites that don't promise what they say they can offer are annoying. Whether it be coupons, products, reviews, or anything in between sites need to step up to the plate and provide what they say they will. Make sense? I sure hope it does because we are looking long and hard for examples of these types of sites to share with you.

Friday, March 11, 2011

On A Serious Note

Let’s be honest, we like to make fun of websites. Actually, we REALLY like to make fun of websites. What can we say… we enjoy doing it!

But, there is also a time to be very real and talk about threats (other than ugly sites) that can interfere with your life and your computer system. These threats include malware, spyware, and viruses. Sure, you know that you don’t want to “contract” these things, but how do you avoid it.

We will tell you how… check out Anti-Spyware for Dummies. Laugh at the name if you want. You for sure will not laugh at the protection and services they can offer you. Take it from a group that knows. The software can help!

It’s important to remember that you might not know if you picked up a virus or even spyware before it is too late. Take the time to be preventative verses having to deal with a nightmare of a computer system or compromised personal information.

Then, you can follow our blog and laugh with us at some terrible design choices. Have a great (and spyware free!) weekend everyone! We will be back with more ugly, awful sites soon! You just be patient. ;)

Monday, February 28, 2011


For tonight, I feel like I will leave you with one final website frustration that I saw on site today. All my understanding about websites will never leave me with an answer to this question. I will never understand why this happens or why any company (regardless of their size) would allow this to happen.

After this rant I can only assume that you are very curious what I have to say. I warn you, it's simple. There is nothing complex about this annoyance. When I visit a website, I can't stand it when I go to a link and the link is not valid.

Seems simple, right??! Yet, it happens more than you know. Imagine yourself on a site and you are looking for more information on the company or service. Then, when you least expect it, you are dropped on an incomplete page. Very annoying. I told you I would have a new set of grievances.

If you have found an example of this type of "sign of a bad site" we completely understand. We can only hope that this is not an issue of the future for you or any company trying to make a mark online.


Well, I would like to add as one of my most hated things of 2011 is the social media buttons. Some sites like to add social media buttons when they have not paid any attention to what social media is. You know you have seen it. A company starts a Facebook account and after that does nothing to add to it.
How can you add a Twitter button and not have a complete Twitter account? Or how could you add a Facebook button and not know how to post on Facebook?! These are serious questions that some companies are facing. Could it be time to add a Social Media Expert to your company? I guess only you can figure out that question.

For example, I recently encountered a company that didn't know the difference between a group page and a face page. How can you effectively run a campaign on Facebook without understanding the difference between the two. More importantly, why would you spend time doing so? It could seem like a waste of efforts.

Well, I guess it is time to change focus. Till the next post...

Things To Look For

Part One

Well, I recently decided that it is a new year and maybe I should look for things in websites that I have yet to look for before. Yep, that is right, I am going to forget my old hang-ups and looks form some new and annoying traits in websites. Get ready to say good-bye to the:

The Color Theory: More is Better Ah, hate to be the one to break this to you, but it is not. Professional web designers spend hours choosing the appropriate colors to use in moderation. The key here is moderation! Can You Add Anything Else? Have you ever found a site and you don’t know how they fit all this information on one page? Just like color, content should be clean and simple. What Am I Looking At? Have you found a site where the text actually sits on top of other text? How are you suppose to read the site never mind understand what you are looking at? All of This Moving is Burning My Eyes Alright, Flash is cool, but in moderation. You might want to catch our attention, but Flash animations rotating around eight or more spots on the page can burn our retinas and make us nauseous. Links How many links should really be on a page? I guess this point might be debatable, but we have all seen an excess of links that makes a site just horrible to visit.Horrible Music Honestly, this is one of my favorites. You might stumble upon a beautifully designed site and forget to turn your speakers down. Before you know it, horrible music is pumping from your speakers all throughout your office catching everyone's attention. Ugh.

New and more current things to watch out for are coming about!

Stayed tuned!

I Heart Feedback

Well, thanks to some feedback it seem like my theory is somewhat correct. Ugly sites can gain just as much attention as their "more functional" counterparts.

Sure, sure... we get it. Ugly flash and odd layout choices can have an impact on the same level that normal well-designed sites can have. It is kind of like a Jersey Shore episode? It get so ridiculous you can't help but watch?

Obnoxious flash will get you every time! Who hasn't been able to look away from a page? I guess again, we are back to the fact that sites want to make money. Can you blame them? Sure, everyone is out to make cash so that is why we encounter some of the odd and well, hard to look at sites that almost MAKE us talk about them. I guess it may be time to stop rambling and get back to some fun examples. Be patient friends! This month has been fun-filled and now I am trying to catch up on all the madness we call the internet. BRB!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Number One Reason...

It is incredibly easy to figure out why a site is designed poorly and stays that way. In reality there can only be a few honest reasons a site stays ugly and likes to look ugly. Why do they leave those flashing colors and why do they leave those tacky images? The question will always remain, but one thing will always stay the same. Why do these sites remain ugly? On the top of that list, I can imagine a site is poorly designed to gain attention and to make MONEY!!!

Sure, most sites are made to make money. Some spend thousands and thousands on design concepts, concise copy, effective images, and a smooth clean look. Others spend ten dollars on the weirdest textures, patterns, colors, and copy they can find.

The big question is which design model is more effective. Now, more than ever, some of the worst looking sites are gaining just as much attention as their well designed counterparts. Think about it, do you enjoy visiting an ugly site or a clean, everyday, functional site. Obviously, you can tell, I like visiting the ugly ones. ;)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I Have Decided That the Thing I Hate the Most Is...

Outdated content. Yep, I said it. It really drives me crazy! I hate doing a search on well, just about anything and find information that is outdated and not useful. Really! We need all of these sites to update their information every once in a while. Please, I beg you! Update your sites and give us some new content to read. P L E A S E!

Another thing I hate is a slow internet connection. Speed dictates everything. For example, this month flew by for me. One day it was February 1st and now I realize that is is February 21st. Another thing speed has an impact on is internet speed. A slow internet connection on an old computer system can make even the best designed site a pain to visit. I find myself in the second month of the year with plenty of grievances already. One can only imagine how many more sites I encounter that drive me nuts and small, but meaningful online issues that drive me nuts.

For now, have a good night everyone and I will share some of my most recently poorly designed websites starting tomorrow.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Save the Last For Best

I think it's time to end our continued exploration of this site with the "pink" page as I like to call it. I always have loved roses! ;)

Well, of course the pink marble background is consistent. I think the use of "marble" is one of the main elements throughout the entire site. Then again, who can ignore the dove? If you take the time (to remove your fanny pack) and scroll down you will encounter a variety of extremely interesting color combinations. I guess you could call it a brighter more neon version of the rainbow.

Again, lets leave the content out and just take a look at the bright red links fading to orange with a random pink flower next to it. Can someone explain to me how this site won design awards? PLEASE! I would love to know.

Now, I actually let out a slight laugh when I saw the rotating floppy disk at the bottom. That is suppose to be an indication that you can print. This makes little to no sense on many levels. First, who uses those discs anymore? Are there still computers around that support those? And, why put a disc to tell readers they can print? Wouldn't you add a printer (rotating if it must!) next to the print option?

One Eyed, One Horn, Giant Purple People Eater

And, now we are on to purple with purple textures. Well, I guess it's time to admit that what is ugly to one person may be beautiful and functional to another. This site may be our equivalent to the fanny pack. A must have resource for some and a poorly designed disaster to others. I say all of this due to the many awards the site has seemed to win. It is hard to ignore those countless accolades on design and function, yet I still feel the need to disagree.

Back to the purple. Can you count how many shades of purple that are represented on this page? I noticed 7. Take the time to scroll down. It gets even more interesting. Another thing that caught my attention was the font. There are a wide variety of fonts utilized and they do not compliment each other. Not even kind of compliment each other.

My favorite part of this page has to be the rainbow star bursts. They are an indication of the rainbow colored bullet points below. And, no there is just not one color! Each little bullet point rotates through the entire rainbow. Well, now on to another page...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Listen and Learn

I'll be honest... I really am not even sure what this is. A friend sent this page my way since he is well aware of my blog. Honestly, I couldn't resist although I am still not sure the site's purpose. I don't even know how he came across this. The story must be interesting.

Really, there is just one thing I would like to point out about this mysterious site, the music. My friend describes it as, "out of a computer role playing game called Final Fantasy." Since I don't know what that is, I want to simply share with you that I could not stop laughing the minute my computer speaker began to blare. Honestly, I had to turn my speakers off just to switch over to my blog and continue to type. I don't know how to explain it except that I wasn't expecting the music yet I am so glad it was there.

Yes, I really don't know the site's purpose, but I can guarantee you that this music is not appropriate for the content. When I hear the music I feel like it should be accompanying some type of tragic love story/epic battle movie like Braveheart.

Back for More?!?!

Well, this site I have discussed before, but I was recently redirected back to the site and took the time to explore more than just the landing page. I thought it might be best to go back and take the next couple blogs to check out the additional pages. That is if you can get past the landing page. I have seen it several times now and I get a headache every time. Seriously, my head is hurting right now!

Lets me begin my saying that I am not reviewing the content! I have no desire to discuss religion or religious view. And, I am serious!!! I simply think that this website offers plenty of interesting design techniques that we should acknowledge in hopes no one will ever copy them again.

First, take a look at this page. You can get to this page by clicking the "main" link. Of course, my attention was immediately drawn to the marble type background. Honestly, I have never seen a background quite like that before! The table was also an interesting decision. The color, texture, and Flash choices down the middle make you wonder what the designer was thinking.

Get Me Away!

Well, I would like you to just pause and take a few seconds out of your day to review this gem. Welcome back. Are you in shock or just confused?

I will always struggle with this one simple question... how do businesses succeed with websites like this? That little "dirt assassin" should of kicked herself right off the page. Alright, where to start?

Maybe the guy mysteriously gliding across the floor. Then again, can you really even begin to dissect the page (or the frog) without mentioning the general annoying amount of Flash? I can't focus long enough on the rhino before my eyes are diverted to the falling man who is somehow capable of holding bottles four times his current size.

The fact that the site plays on every obvious pun doesn't help either. Oh sure, make the Red Vanish symbol disappear. Revolutionary. If you have time to click any of the links, do it. The flash doesn't carry throughout the entire site. For some reason it is all focused on the landing page.

To be honest, all I can think is that an employee at the store just learned how to use flash and they let her or him loose on the website. I think it might be time to stop, rebuild, and rehire.

Monday, January 17, 2011

A New Year of Ugly

Sure, it's 2011 and people around the globe are ready for a new year with new possibilities. When it comes to new possibilities I honestly can't wait for all the ugly sites I am bound to find and review this year. Sometimes it's just the little things that can make you happy. :)

I thought as my first post of 2011, I would focus on a site that I actually find myself visiting several times a week. And, no I am not talking about Facebook or Yahoo News. You quest and search for new or current information might lead you to this site too. There is no question that this site is filled with information. The only question that still remains... is it ugly?

My opinion is that yes, it is ugly. Informative, but ugly. All the information is squished into a small space and the lack of color or design depth is far from a "modern" or "fresh" look. The black, white, and red combination reminds me of a deck of cards. Yet, I keep going back. If the site's traffic increasesregardless of the design and layout should they spend the time or money to make some changes?