Monday, March 28, 2011

What's Worse?

Did anyone create that app yet? Sorry, I couldn't resist. Have you noticed how many apps there actually are to purchase or try out these days? It is almost impossible to choose one without wanting at least 10 more. Gotta stay up with the trends, right?

Speaking of staying up with the trends... is it wrong to miss leg warmers. Sure, outdated fashion can be bad, but is it as bad as this. Surely not. Sorry, I can't help to continue to refer to this site. It makes me laugh and cry from seeing yellow spots at the same time.

Hmmm, what other out of place fashion can we relate to horrible websites. Is it worse to see shoulder pads built into a shirt or this? Would you rather see someone still rocking neon (mesh optional) or would you rather see this? Difficult to answer. We don't blame you.

I guess just like fashion, the worst of the worst is hard to ignore. Then again, why would you? It's hard not to look at an outfit gone wrong and it's even harder to ignore a website that is just plain ugly. Multiple colors and horrific background included.

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