Saturday, July 30, 2011

Did You Want Me To Talk More About QR Codes?

In retrospect, I think I spent enough time on our friend the QR code. If you don't get my point my now, I am not sure if you ever will! :) Seriously, though don't get all modern with codes if your website is not up to today's standards. You have to start with the end result and then move forward.

So, what about those QR codes? Just kidding! Just kidding! I will drop it, at least for now! Let's move back to our main goal of this blog which is to discuss the ugly, the horrible designs found on countless websites today. In all the blogs and all the months we have covered horrible design do you have a favorite topic?

Animated gifs seemed to be a hot topic at the time, but what would you all like to review next? Should we venture back to bad color combinations? Neon? Too much copy? Insane backgrounds? Obscure patterns all over the place? I guess the options are endless. At least I know to take a break from Qr Codes for awhile.

Well, till next time! Have a great weekend everyone and stay away for ugly designs!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

More on QR Codes

So, did you know that QR codes are now being used as Facebook profile pictures? I am serious! I just scanned one and was brought to a page featured the brand's latest sweepstakes. For those of you that are new to QR codes take time to download the app and get started.

Before you know it they will be on everything from menu to maps. Some believe that QR are not going mainstream, but that is a tough argument to make. Have you seen a major of the marketing efforts put forth by brands lately? QR codes are everywhere from websites to fliers to well, Facebook profile pictures.

Again, I urge you to have a well built site before you implement any type of QR codes. Stop and really thing about it. QR codes may be cool and the latest social media tool, but how will they help you if you are sending consumers back to an ugly website? I am guessing it won't help at all.

Spend time on your websites before you spend time on QR codes! I am guessing it may not be long before we review ugly website we found view QR codes.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

QR Codes

Alright, back to QR codes. First of all I think they are genius. Download an app, scan the code, and be transported to cyberspace. Originally many brands were simply using QR codes to drive you to their websites, but today those handy codes can take you to great deals, coupons, or interactive pages within a site. Comic Con is filled with QR codes. They are on posters, books, wristbands, temporary tattoos, and just about everywhere you can imagine.

QR codes are a great invention, but they are only as great as the site they take you to. Poor website design and other website flaws can ruin any and all benefits of the code. You may be able to get a consumer to scan it, but if the site you are promoting is horrible, why bother? Over the year we have covered a wide range of "bad elements" in the world of website design. Take note!

Before you jump to add QR codes to your promotional products you have to ask yourself if your website is the best it can be. And, answer that truthfully! Why promote a site that give your visitors a bad impression of you and your brand?

Brand Me

Well, after several days of Comic Con adventures I can say that the QR code is king. I applaud all those marketing geniuses out there for everything we see and interact with during the Con. You can't turn a corner without being bombarded by branding of some kind. On a personal note, I thought the branding throughout the entire city was just amazing. Bars and restaurants were bought out and transformed into events and destinations for those that walked by. How does this relate to websites you ask? Well, almost every brand, location, service, and product today is supported by a website.

These websites offer consumers additional information and a place to interact with all the brand or products stands for. Need an example? Well, a few days ago I asked for your feedback on the Comic Con site. Friend or foe? Did the site help you map out where you wanted to go or provide you with the best information to make your Con trip a success? See, the website is like an extension of the brand and it must be complete and user friendly.

I got side tracked a bit because I wanted to share some thoughts on QR codes. Maybe I will wait for my next post.

Friday, July 22, 2011

What Came First... The Comic Con or the Website?

Well, if you look back at history of the Comic Con you can easily answer that question. Now around for about 41 years, we know the Comic Con came first and started back when San Diego was the just beginning to be a hot spot. Originally organized in the banquet hall of a local SD hotel, Comic Con now takes over the entire convention center along with the majority of the Gas Lamp District.

So, with all that being said how do you feel about the official Comic Con website? Love it or hate it? I guess it is a site that the you could be on the fence about. Die hard comic fans may really not care how information is presented to them as long as they can figure out where the vendors, panels, and most important the ticket booth.

You may be wondering why the sudden focus on Comic Con. Go ahead and wonder! :) The truth of the matter is that I am here witnessing some of the magic/dressed up fans/lines and want to share some of the information with you. Now that we have entered the world of QR codes I will give you an update as to what I am seeing and of course, what websites they are promoting.

Have a great day! And, no I am not dressing up as Spiderman.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Alright, Give Me the Number

No, not your cell phone number. Or the number of cups of coffee you had today. I want the number of ugly sites you see on a regular basis. We all have a number and I know mine is high up there. Then again, I tend to search for these things so how do I rationalize that? This is how... you tell me how many sites you encounter by just simply searching the web and going about your day. Are the sites you visit the most bothering you? Did you stumble upon some horrible design as you shopped for a new plasma TV, car, or washing machine? I need to know!

When you spend most of your time looking for ugly sites they tend just to get worse by the moment. Some of the simple poor design features such as animated GIFs almost seem OK when you compare it to paralyzing flashing colors and poor quality images.

In any case, I am ready to jump into July and find new and horribly designed sites to review. Can I help it that ugly websites are just drawn to me? I think not.