Sunday, January 30, 2011

Save the Last For Best

I think it's time to end our continued exploration of this site with the "pink" page as I like to call it. I always have loved roses! ;)

Well, of course the pink marble background is consistent. I think the use of "marble" is one of the main elements throughout the entire site. Then again, who can ignore the dove? If you take the time (to remove your fanny pack) and scroll down you will encounter a variety of extremely interesting color combinations. I guess you could call it a brighter more neon version of the rainbow.

Again, lets leave the content out and just take a look at the bright red links fading to orange with a random pink flower next to it. Can someone explain to me how this site won design awards? PLEASE! I would love to know.

Now, I actually let out a slight laugh when I saw the rotating floppy disk at the bottom. That is suppose to be an indication that you can print. This makes little to no sense on many levels. First, who uses those discs anymore? Are there still computers around that support those? And, why put a disc to tell readers they can print? Wouldn't you add a printer (rotating if it must!) next to the print option?

One Eyed, One Horn, Giant Purple People Eater

And, now we are on to purple with purple textures. Well, I guess it's time to admit that what is ugly to one person may be beautiful and functional to another. This site may be our equivalent to the fanny pack. A must have resource for some and a poorly designed disaster to others. I say all of this due to the many awards the site has seemed to win. It is hard to ignore those countless accolades on design and function, yet I still feel the need to disagree.

Back to the purple. Can you count how many shades of purple that are represented on this page? I noticed 7. Take the time to scroll down. It gets even more interesting. Another thing that caught my attention was the font. There are a wide variety of fonts utilized and they do not compliment each other. Not even kind of compliment each other.

My favorite part of this page has to be the rainbow star bursts. They are an indication of the rainbow colored bullet points below. And, no there is just not one color! Each little bullet point rotates through the entire rainbow. Well, now on to another page...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Listen and Learn

I'll be honest... I really am not even sure what this is. A friend sent this page my way since he is well aware of my blog. Honestly, I couldn't resist although I am still not sure the site's purpose. I don't even know how he came across this. The story must be interesting.

Really, there is just one thing I would like to point out about this mysterious site, the music. My friend describes it as, "out of a computer role playing game called Final Fantasy." Since I don't know what that is, I want to simply share with you that I could not stop laughing the minute my computer speaker began to blare. Honestly, I had to turn my speakers off just to switch over to my blog and continue to type. I don't know how to explain it except that I wasn't expecting the music yet I am so glad it was there.

Yes, I really don't know the site's purpose, but I can guarantee you that this music is not appropriate for the content. When I hear the music I feel like it should be accompanying some type of tragic love story/epic battle movie like Braveheart.

Back for More?!?!

Well, this site I have discussed before, but I was recently redirected back to the site and took the time to explore more than just the landing page. I thought it might be best to go back and take the next couple blogs to check out the additional pages. That is if you can get past the landing page. I have seen it several times now and I get a headache every time. Seriously, my head is hurting right now!

Lets me begin my saying that I am not reviewing the content! I have no desire to discuss religion or religious view. And, I am serious!!! I simply think that this website offers plenty of interesting design techniques that we should acknowledge in hopes no one will ever copy them again.

First, take a look at this page. You can get to this page by clicking the "main" link. Of course, my attention was immediately drawn to the marble type background. Honestly, I have never seen a background quite like that before! The table was also an interesting decision. The color, texture, and Flash choices down the middle make you wonder what the designer was thinking.

Get Me Away!

Well, I would like you to just pause and take a few seconds out of your day to review this gem. Welcome back. Are you in shock or just confused?

I will always struggle with this one simple question... how do businesses succeed with websites like this? That little "dirt assassin" should of kicked herself right off the page. Alright, where to start?

Maybe the guy mysteriously gliding across the floor. Then again, can you really even begin to dissect the page (or the frog) without mentioning the general annoying amount of Flash? I can't focus long enough on the rhino before my eyes are diverted to the falling man who is somehow capable of holding bottles four times his current size.

The fact that the site plays on every obvious pun doesn't help either. Oh sure, make the Red Vanish symbol disappear. Revolutionary. If you have time to click any of the links, do it. The flash doesn't carry throughout the entire site. For some reason it is all focused on the landing page.

To be honest, all I can think is that an employee at the store just learned how to use flash and they let her or him loose on the website. I think it might be time to stop, rebuild, and rehire.

Monday, January 17, 2011

A New Year of Ugly

Sure, it's 2011 and people around the globe are ready for a new year with new possibilities. When it comes to new possibilities I honestly can't wait for all the ugly sites I am bound to find and review this year. Sometimes it's just the little things that can make you happy. :)

I thought as my first post of 2011, I would focus on a site that I actually find myself visiting several times a week. And, no I am not talking about Facebook or Yahoo News. You quest and search for new or current information might lead you to this site too. There is no question that this site is filled with information. The only question that still remains... is it ugly?

My opinion is that yes, it is ugly. Informative, but ugly. All the information is squished into a small space and the lack of color or design depth is far from a "modern" or "fresh" look. The black, white, and red combination reminds me of a deck of cards. Yet, I keep going back. If the site's traffic increasesregardless of the design and layout should they spend the time or money to make some changes?