Sunday, October 24, 2010

What Is It I Am Not Getting?!

It recently dawned on me that no matter how many bad sites I locate and share with you there is still one question that always will remain unanswered. Who in the world is building these sites?

Honestly, that is the question on my mind today. If you spend some time online each week it isn't hard to locate a site or two that makes you question their existence. Some sites may even make you wonder who is spending the time to create such tacky, unreadable pages. Others might even make you wonder who has the time to create such mind-blowing, ugly sites. The answer is not easy.

Sure, I know there are some designers that make fake sites just to show how bad design can destroy a website or a company. Yet, I am still at a loss at who makes up the remainder of the people creating some of the sites that I have shared with you so far. Are they bored? Maybe they just have extremely bad taste. Some people still do rock a fanny pack so maybe these are the same people using unreadable copy, horrific color combinations, and nauseating images. What do you think? What is it that I am not getting?

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