Unless of course the ulterior motive here was to blind the viewership and then perform a miracle healing or two... I think we can safely say this is an example of bad design. And then of course there's the content. Why, I wonder, are the two so inextricably linked?
Introducing: Randy Pan
Speaking of that unholy unity, (bad design and content), it would be remiss of me not to include the welter weight champion of it, Randy Constan, in this discussion. Take it away Randy. (Drop everything, go here)
Really, this is a rather enjoyable past time... surfing the net looking for awfulness. But I will say this for it... I am willing to bet that Randy has more hits on his website than you do. And let's face it no matter how hard the average, non-imbecile may try, there is simply no way he/she can intentionally make as bad a website as someone who by dumb luck blunders into fame and internet renown. I mean really, the Jesus-Forgiveness guys and Randy Pan ought to be hiring themselves out as a designers. Can there be any doubt they'd work all the time?
To Be Bad or To Be Bad
Something in all of this reminds me of the Gene Wilder, Zero Mostell, movie The Producers. You know, the whole idea that trying to make something bad, may in fact lead to unexpected greatness? Though this last link (see text at bottom of page) I think, may in fact disprove this theory. Fulfilling in agonizing simplicity it's own prophecy... (note I'm putting it on here last because there's a good chance this website will inspire you to heave your computer out the window).
More on this subject tomorrow...